I love the tiktok videos that give people’s thoughts an opinions with very little context. So here is my version. In honor of my recent birthday, here are 35 nuggets of wisdom for each year I’ve been on this earth with no context as to how I learned them or who I learned the from. If you see something familiar, all I say is thank you. Thank you for helping me write a part of my story. I hope I helped pen a chapter in yours.
- People will always tell on themselves. Let them.
- The Truth told well, in love, doesn’t need your help.
- False humility is a not a flex. Owning your strength while recognizing the need to improve is true maturity.
- It is not admirable or respectable to “stick it out” in an environment or relationship that makes you feel small or unwelcome.
- Trauma comparison isn’t cool. You don’t have to prove you have it worse than someone and you don’t need it justify the good thing you just got it.
- Clap for everyone. One day it will be your turn.
- Rejection really truly is the greatest form of protection. What is meant for you won’t pass you by.
- Do it afraid. Go on the journey with fear in the car. You just don’t let it ride shotgun with access to the playlist.
- We all have insecurities. But if you are self aware enough to acknowledge them, they won’t control your actions.
- Insecurities scream to be heard. Confidence whispers and everyone listens.
- Sometimes you can’t know everything. Just go.
- Done is better than perfect.
- Consistency always wins in the end. Just keep going.
- Excellence is obtainable. Perfection is not.
- Balance is everything. Some seasons are for discipline and sacrifice. And some are for rest and gentleness.
- Scientifically lone wolves don’t exist…because they die. Go spend time with your friends.
- Sometimes your Tik tok algorithm is right and half your personality is a trauma response. Do the work. Go to therapy.
- Not all friends are for all things at all times. Recognize that and be okay with it.
- Yes I think I’m pretty. No I don’t think that’s weird. I think you’re pretty too.
- Asking questions is different than “questioning.” Smart leaders know the difference. The best ones know neither is a bad thing.
- Learn the difference between a gut feeling and anxiety. Then trust your gut. Sometimes your nervous system can tell someone or something isn’t safe before your brain can.
- I think we’re gonna get to Heaven and realized we cared about a lot of oddly specific things that Jesus never did and ignored a lot of things he actually wanted us to pay attention to.
- Listen to your body. If you don’t it will make you.
- You’re allowed to change your priorities and your priorities being different from someone else’s doesn’t mean anyone is wrong.
- Feeling absolutely unbothered is a sign of growth.
- Having fun is not frivolous. It’s essential.
- Create different systems for your life so you can free up your brain space and time for things that truly matter.
- Make sure you want a marriage and not just a wedding. Make sure you want a child not just a baby.
- It’s never too late. And you are right on time.
- Your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health are all tied together.
- Progress can be measured a million different ways.
- It’s not cool to hate things people like. Have no chill.
- How you do one thing is usually how you do everything. Pay attention. Who are you?
- Ambition and loyalty are both double edged swords.
- “Pay attention to how what I said and not how I said it” is a lazy excuse. How you say it matters just as much and communicates even more. (Please don’t argue with me and my graduate level degree on the subject).