Dear Reader,
I am Stephanie Graves. And I don’t have it all figured out.
But that is exactly the point. Simon Sinek says “a mentor is not someone who walks ahead of to show us how they did it. A mentor is someone who walks alongside us to show us what we can do.”
I am not the smartest person in the room. I try to find the room where everyone is smarter than I am, learn from them and then give to the people around me. And during my time I have noticed that no matter the room, no matter the industry, some lessons - like what makes a good leader or how to create a successful culture - are simply universal.
My hobbies range from ballet to body building and I take everything far too seriously. I’ve had articles published on nationally ranked websites and mounted shows for the largest entertainment company in the world. Like any good story, one chapter always sets you up for the next.
You never arrive.
But each place you go, you can find somewhere and someone that needs what you have. One of the best leaders I had a chance to work with was in the habit of always asking those under his care “what do you need?” That was his super power and he used it to help others find theirs and found a few business solutions in the process as well.
So, friend, what do you need? Have you figured out to use your own leadership superpower? Are you trying to assemble a great team? Do you need a new mission all together? Whatever it may be, I hope you’re ready for an adventure of a lifetime.
Just consider me your friendly neighborhood Millennial Mentor.